
Who was Queen Victoria?

Queen Victoria was born in 1819 and she married her cousin Albert. Together they had nine children. Queen Victoria reigned for exactly 63 years. She died in 1901.

Britain became the most powerful country in the world during her reign. The number of people that lived in Britain doubled, causing a huge demand for food, clothes and housing. A lot of inventions were invented in the Victorian ages including the first stamp, the telephone and the electric light bulb.

By the end of the Victorian ages every child had to go to school.

Sian Baddeley (year 5)

What life was like as a poor child.

January 25th 1831

Dear diary,
Today it was my first day at the factory. I didn't know we had to wake up so early, at 6.00a.m!!! Wow!!! When I arrived my mistress was in a bad mood. I got caught talking to one of my friends. I almost caught my hand in one of the machines. I was terrified. Today I found out that one of my best friends has pneumonia. We live on a very dirty street so it is very easy to catch diseases. I only have two friends so today I was very lonely. I am so tired. Working in this factory is so boring and I do not get a lot of money for working so hard. For my dinner I had mouldy bread and dirty water. I always dream of being rich. I wish I was rich.
Mared Owen (Blwyddyn 3)



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Pob hwyl,



Croeso i flog Oes Victoria lle y cewch weld gwaith y disgyblion ym maes Hanes.