
What life was like as a poor child.

January 25th 1831

Dear diary,
Today it was my first day at the factory. I didn't know we had to wake up so early, at 6.00a.m!!! Wow!!! When I arrived my mistress was in a bad mood. I got caught talking to one of my friends. I almost caught my hand in one of the machines. I was terrified. Today I found out that one of my best friends has pneumonia. We live on a very dirty street so it is very easy to catch diseases. I only have two friends so today I was very lonely. I am so tired. Working in this factory is so boring and I do not get a lot of money for working so hard. For my dinner I had mouldy bread and dirty water. I always dream of being rich. I wish I was rich.
Mared Owen (Blwyddyn 3)

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